Interview Author Brenda Sturgis

I interviewed author Brenda Sturgis , whom I got to know while illustrating Sweet Dreams. She was kind enough to answer some questions about the business of children's book writing. Enjoy! 1. How did you come up with the idea for "10 Turkeys in the Road"? After watching the book trailer I couldn't help but giggle. Humor abounds in the writing and the illustrations. Thank you Nancy! The original idea presented itself one day when I was driving my daughter to school. There were about 10 turkeys blocking the road that we live on, (a country road in Shapleigh, Maine) strutting, creating a ruckus, and then they’d fly off into the trees. I woke up one night at 3:00 a.m. and the story was in my head, and I wrote the first draft fairly quickly. I sent it to my good friend, editor of Flashlight Press, Shari Dash Greenspan, and she liked it as well, and she added some funny illustration notes, the turkeys were doing all kinds of crazy things that she thought up. I reworked t...