2.15 Interview with Ken Perenyi, Art Forger

I happened to be watching youtube and came across this youtube video from Sunday Morning on Ken Perenyi. Go figure I found it happens to be a relation of my husband. Second cousin on his mother's side. Here is the link to the video Sunday Morning Ken Perenyi I was interested in the fact that he is such a skilled painter, and had turned his art forgery career into a legitimate business. His paintings are beautiful, and it takes a highly skilled individual to recreate something like that. Plus also make it look like it has been around for ages. The nice thing about anyone that is working currently there is a lot more documentation about what they do. You can even email them to find out more details. Here is a link to his website. KenPerenyi.com Below is an interview conducted via email regarding my questions about his art career. I appreciate he took the time to answer them. 1. Can you tell us a l...