2.14 Susan Smith former Marketing Director of Scuba Diving Magazine
This is an interview with my former boss, Susan Smith. She was so kind enough to answer my questions about marketing for artists. Marketing and Sales seem like such a foreign concept for artists. Susan was kind enough to answer my questions on the topic. She has years of experience in marketing. Nancy Miller: Can you tell us about yourself? Susan Smith: I am the former Director of Marketing for Scuba Diving magazine and was also the Marketing Director at WCIV-TV in Charleston, South Carolina. NM: Are there any essential things an illustrator might need in order to market themselves? Nowadays, it seems like you have social media accounts even more than a web site. Susan: I would say that today everything you mention here is important. A web site these days for an artist might be like a business card for a product sales rep. It is just a small piece of the marketing puzzle but a necessary one even if only serving as an introduction for you and your work. ...