Chris Jordan

I thought I'd post the work of photographer, Chris Jordan. I mentioned I tend to recycle stuff from my home for use because it's cheap and practical. Of course there are many other reasons why we should try and reuse and recycle products. Chris Jordan's work examines this topic of mass consumption. I was fortune to view an original from his earlier series at the local art museum. It makes you really think about personal consumption. His work takes a statistic and creates it into a visual that we can understand better.
I noticed that you blogged about Chris Jordan's work, and thought you might be interested to know that he has donated one of his early pieces to our organization, Center for a New American Dream, to be auctioned through eBay/Missionfish. You can see the piece and the auction at
The consumerist themes of Jordan's work match exactly with our organization, which is why he actually sits on our Board of Directors. New Dream works to shift and reduce consumption in order to protect the environment, promote social justice, and enhance quality of life. You can learn more about our nonprofit organization at
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this auction or any related topic.
Chris Mastin