Free Agent Nation

Started reading an interesting book called "Free Agent Nation" by Daniel Pink. Free agents are part of the group of working America that work for themselves. It also includes those that work as temps. It gives insight about the benefits and drawbacks of working this way. The business of freelance illustration as been around for a while. He mentions artists have been working this way for years. It's interesting to read about other professionals that are going that route.
What is the etymology of freelance? Freelance is from the medieval mercenary warriors who offered their service to the feudal lords and noblemen. "The term became commonplace thanks to Scottish poet and novelist Sir Walter Scott, whose 1819 work Ivanhoe included these semifamous lines:
"I offered Richard the service of my Free Lances...Thanks to bustling times, a man of action will always find employment." (pg 33, Pink) I thought that was pretty cool to read about. I started imaging myself on a steed (my office chair) waving around my Faber Castell Pastel Pencils in the air in an imaginary duel.
Pink, Daniel. (2001). "Free Agent Nation: how America's new independent workers are transforming they way we live." Warner Books. New York, NY.