New Year's Resolutions

I think these glasses are too funny, but wonder what will happen when it's 2010? That year might not work so well. On to resolutions. I'm going to only make a few resolutions for this coming year.
1. Really try and attempt to create some digital illustrations. The operative words are "Really try". I find that I'm so fond of my pastels. I've used pastels for the past 17 years and they are my best friends. Watercolors and pen/ink make the list for 2nd and 3rd. I've seen digital illustrations that I've found to be not overly digital that I like. I wonder if I can make my digital illustrations look just like my pastel work. Then I wonder why even bother and just use the pastels? It does cut down on the need for packing and shipping. Saving money is a plus. No dirty fingers. Of course when you go down that road there is always upgrading your computer and software. I used to work at a magazine and it was tricky when the photographers switched from slides to digital. There really wasn't a basis for comparison for proofs. It added additional steps of proofing and changing the color in the production phase. I don't really know if I made the best judgment compared to what the photographer intended. Likewise I'm sure that can happen for digital illustration unless you have some kinda of hardcopy for the designer or production to match.
2. Send out more targeted promos. This Christmas I sent out only 13 postcards using the Premium Postcards service. I'm hoping to get some more illustration samples printed and send out some packets. I've been thinking about a handmade type book. I love artists books. Probably only 10 max. I'm going to do a better job of researching publishers.
3. Hopefully with 2 that will lead to more book contracts. I've gotten a couple of things in the works, but not solid. We'll see.
An illustrator friend of mine posted on her blog some previous articles she's written about the biz of children's book illustration. Here's a link to
I hope 2009 is a fruitful and happy one for all.